Perpetum mobile are the strongest. Perpetuum mobile - what it is, characteristics and features. Goodbye "perpetual motion machine". Long live the free energy I

Humanity is a perpetuum mobile. What it is? An engine that will never stop. This is a kind of beautiful myth for representatives of pseudoscience. It has been theoretically proven that the existence of such an engine is impossible, but dreamer mechanics do not want to agree with this.

Literature and thermodynamics

So, the perpetuum mobile is a perpetual motion machine, which, according to the first law of thermodynamics, will remain an unrealizable dream of humanity. But if this were possible, then such a device on an appropriate scale (and they will be much larger, because human greed knows no bounds) will lead to overheating of the Earth and, accordingly, terrifying cataclysms.

So it is better to firmly seal this dream on the pages of literature, which, in fact, many writers took care of. For example, in one of Shukshin’s works the characters talk about a perpetual motion machine:

- What kind of perpetual motion machine?

- Well, this one is a perpetuum mobile. A normal perpetual motion machine that they couldn’t come up with...

Perpetual motion machines: modern classification

The Perpetual Perpetual Mobile is an imaginary invention that works more and uses less energy. In the modern world, it is customary to divide such engines into two types:

  1. Perpetual motion machine of the first kind- This is a device that operates without the consumption of energy resources. And of course, it is impossible to create such a device.
  2. Perpetual motion machine of the second kind- this machine, when started, must convert all the heat that surrounds it into energy. It is also impossible to create such an engine based on the second law of thermodynamics.

After repeated attempts to create engines of the first and second kind, which, by the way, were unsuccessful, thermodynamicists decided to consider them as postulates that were not questioned.

Excursion into history

Who dreamed of inventing a perpetuum mobile? As the pages of history show, everyone dreamed of creating such a device: from simple peasants to intelligent scientists. And even if you ask any modern person about this today, he will, without a doubt, say that the perpetuum mobile is a useful thing.

Already from the 12th century, when society began to actively develop in a variety of directions, people found out what it was - a perpetuum mobile, and began to make the first attempts to create it. It all started with water wheels: looking at this invention, humanity began to desire greater efficiency.

Now it is difficult to say where and when the idea of ​​​​creating a perpetual motion machine arose. It is also impossible to say who first came up with such an idea. The earliest mention of a perpetual motion machine was found in the writings of the Indian poet and mathematician Bhaskar. Also, Arabic manuscripts from the 16th century have survived to this day. Scientists believe that the ancestral home of the first perpetual motion machines is India. Around 1150, Bhaskara, in one of his poems, described a wheel with vessels of mercury attached to the rim. The operating principle of the first perpetuum mobile is quite simple. It is based on the fact that at different moments there is a different force of gravity, which is created by the liquid that moves in the vessels.

In Europe, they learned about this during the era of the development of mechanics (approximately the 13th century). The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine became especially widespread in the 16th-17th centuries. The number of perpetual motion machines projects grew very quickly, some of them were created and turned out to be failures, and some remained drawn. For example, like the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci's perpetual motion machine.

Controversial issues

Every physicist will confirm: an engine that has already been set in motion once and is maintained in this state independently and constantly is a perpetuum mobile, which is already a reason for many polemical questions to arise.

One of the most remarkable problems is the conservation of perpetual motion. That is, the engine would need to be maintained in a state of strength, because no matter how you look at it, physical objects tend to wear out.

The second question arose on the basis of the so-called “intrinsic value”. Scientists have constantly argued about which engine can be called a perpetual engine. For example, a device that, when fully assembled, will immediately begin to work on its own, or one that must be started manually.

In the first half of the 19th century, Johann Von Poppe made an interesting conclusion for his time: “Perpetuum mobile is a chimera that has led many scientists into a quagmire of hopelessness. If we understand by perpetual motion an object that is in constant motion all the time without additional external energy, and therefore is not subject to ordinary earthly frailty, then every reasonable person will understand for himself that the existence of such a thing is impossible. But if we call a perpetual motion machine a device that is capable of constantly restoring the root cause of its movement without external intervention until it stops from wear and tear, then its invention is quite possible.”

In the Middle Ages, the creation of a perpetual motion machine was shrouded in secrecy, which is why a lot of speculation and superstition arose. Some scientists considered the perpetuum mobile to be as significant as the philosopher's stone.

Failed Attempts

The most ancient design of a perpetual motion machine is similar to a gear wheel: weights were attached to its recesses, which were hinged.

Their geometry is very simple: the weights on the left side are closer to the axis than the weights on the right. In theory, according to the law of the lever, this should set the wheel in motion. According to the plan, during rotation, the loads should be tilted to the right and maintain the force directed towards the movement. There is just one small “but”: the author did not take into account the fact that the weights on the right, although they have a longer lever, are inferior in number to the weights on the left, so if such a wheel is made, it will be stationary, since the moment of force on both sides is identical.

This experience was not the only one in the history of trial and error to create a perpetual motion machine.


Attempts to create a perpetuum mobile - a perpetual motion machine, photos of which are presented in the article, lasted until the end of the 17th century. At this time, Cardano and Galileo began to insist that it was impossible to create such a device. Stephen Simon, listening to the most controversial opinions, discovers the law of tilt plane equilibrium. This made it possible to substantiate the law of addition of three forces along a triangle. Based on new laws and experimental results, by the end of the 18th century, the majority of scientists came to the conclusion that the perpetuum mobile is just a pipe illusion, which physicists entertain themselves with in their spare time.

Today there is a lot of controversy and debate on this issue. Perhaps in the distant future the dream will become a reality, but for now we can only think about what a perpetual motion machine will look like and how it will help humanity.

A perpetual motion machine, or in Latin "perpetum mobile", is a hypothetical machine that could function forever after giving it an initial impulse and without the need for a subsequent supply of energy to it.

Laws of thermodynamics

To understand whether perpetum mobile is possible or impossible, we should recall the first two laws of thermodynamics:

  1. The first law of thermodynamics states: “Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only transform into different states and types.” That is, if work is done on a given system or it exchanges heat with the external environment, then its internal energy changes.
  2. Second law of thermodynamics. According to him, “the entropy of the Universe tends to increase over time.” This law indicates in which direction the flow will occur spontaneously. In addition, this law implies the impossibility of transferring energy from one type to another without loss.

Perpetual motion machine of the first and second kind

The perpetual motion machine, or in Latin perpetuum mobile, comes in two types:

  1. A perpetual motion machine of the first kind is a machine that constantly works without the supply of external energy and at the same time does some work. That is, the perpetum mobile of the first kind contradicts the first law of thermodynamics, which is why, by the way, it received the name of the engine of the first kind.
  2. A perpetual motion machine of the second kind is any machine that operates in periodic cycles, converting one type of energy into another, for example, mechanical into electrical and vice versa, without any losses in the process of this conversion. That is, a perpetual motion machine (perpetuum mobile) of the second kind contradicts the second law of thermodynamics.

Impossibility of existence

A perpetual motion machine of the first kind contradicts the fundamental law of physics on the conservation of energy of an isolated system, and therefore cannot exist. As for the perpetuum mobile of the second kind, it is also impossible, since in any working engine energy is dissipated in various ways, mainly in the form of heat.

Considering that the laws of thermodynamics have been tested over several centuries of experiments and experiments and have never failed, we can safely say that any projects of perpetual motion machines are a hoax. Such projects often arise in various religious circles, in which there are beliefs about endless sources of energy and so on.

In addition, from time to time various mental “paradoxes” appear, which seem to demonstrate the performance of certain perpetum mobiles. In all these cases we are talking about errors in understanding the laws of physics, so such mental “paradoxes” are instructive.

Historical searches for perpetual motion machines and their importance for the development of mankind

The laws of thermodynamics were finally established in the second half of the 19th century. According to them, any working machine cannot transfer energy from one state to another with an efficiency of 100%, not to mention constantly supplying energy to other systems without supplying it to the machine itself.

Despite this, many people throughout history and to this day have searched and continue to search for various designs of working perpetual motion machines, which can be compared to a kind of “elixir of youth” in the field of mechanics.

All designs of such machines involve the use of different weights, angles, physical or mechanical properties of specific substances that can move constantly and even create an excess amount of useful energy. Speaking about modern times and its enormous energy needs, one can understand the importance of the perpetum mobile, which would become a real revolution in the development of mankind.

Returning to history, it should be said that the first known projects of perpetual motion machines began to appear in medieval Europe. It is believed that the first model of a perpetual motion machine was a corresponding invention in Bavaria in the 8th century AD.

Famous projects of perpetual motion machines in the Middle Ages

Unfortunately, to date nothing is known about the existence of perpetum mobile projects in societies before the Middle Ages. There is no information that the ancient Greeks or Romans created such machines.

The most ancient invention of a perpetual motion machine known to mankind is the magic wheel. Although there are no surviving images of this invention, historical written sources say that it dates back to the Merovingian Empire in what is now Bavaria in the 8th century. However, some historians say that this machine did not exist in reality and that all information about it is a legend.

Bhaskara was a famous Indian mathematician who is recognized as the most influential scientist of the Middle Ages on his continent. His work concerning differential equations preceded similar works by Newton and Leibniz by 5 centuries. Around 1150, Bhaskara invented a wheel that was supposed to rotate forever. Unfortunately, this invention was never constructed, but it is the first clear evidence of attempts to create perpetual motion.

The first invention of a perpetual motion machine in Europe is the machine of the famous French freemason and 13th-century architect Villars de Honnecourt. It is not known for sure whether his invention was constructed, but in the diaries of Villars de Honnecourt they find an image of his perpetuum mobile.

The legendary engineer and inventor from Florence Leonardo da Vinci also created several machines - perpetual motion machines, and in this regard he was several centuries ahead of his time. These machines, naturally, turned out to be inoperative, and the scientist concluded that it was impossible for perpetual motion machines to exist in physics.

Perpetual motion machines of modern times

With the advent of perpetual motion, it became a popular activity, and many inventors spent their time creating such a machine. This boom is associated primarily with the success in the development of mechanics.

Thus, the Italian inventor of the 16th century Mark Zimara designed an ever-running mill, and the Dutchman Cornelius Drebbel dedicated one of these inventions to the English king. In 1712, engineer Johann Bessler analyzed more than 300 similar inventions and decided to create his own perpetum mobile.

As a result, in 1775, members of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris issued a decree that they would not accept any inventions that were associated with the theme of perpetual motion.

Thought experiments

In theoretical physics, thought experiments are often used to try to test fundamental physical laws. Regarding the topic of perpetual motion machines, the following projects can be mentioned:

  • Maxwell's demon. We are talking about a violation of the second law of thermodynamics when a hypothetical demon separates a mixture of gases. This thought experiment allows us to understand the essence of the entropy of a system.
  • A perpetual motion machine that performs work through thermal fluctuations and can therefore run forever. In reality, it will work as long as the environment is warmer than the engine itself.

Is the hope of creating a perpetual motion machine completely dead?

We cannot say with certainty that a mechanism that can work forever will never be invented, since humanity still does not know much about the Universe in which it lives. Perhaps a type of exotic matter will be discovered, such as black matter in space, about which almost nothing is known. The behavior of this matter may force us to reconsider the laws of thermodynamics. These laws are so fundamental that any change in their scale will be similar to the influence of Albert Einstein's theory on the laws of classical mechanics of Isaac Newton and on the development of physics in general. It is also possible that perpetual motion exists in objects whose behavior is governed by quantum mechanics.

There are no perpetual motion machines, this is my firm belief. But there is no prohibition on converting energy with an efficiency close to 100%, at least at the modern level; no one has proven this yet. This is supported by the practically achieved results on the transformation of mechanical energy into mechanical energy, or electromechanical transformations. The efficiency achieved in them today, of the order of 97-98%, should have long ago alerted modern scientists and made them doubt the inferiority of thermodynamic transformations declared by Carnot. The pathetic attempt to scientifically substantiate the resulting low efficiency of the so-called heat engines, the Carnot caloricist, is unscientific in its fundamentals. Moreover, in the description of his famous cycle, Carnot admits several self-contradictory conclusions and conclusions that contradict common sense. Maybe the reason for the low efficiency during thermodynamic energy conversions is the imperfection of the chosen method? There was a period of time, for example, when incandescent lamps were considered the limit of perfection, but now, when we understood a little about the physics of converting chemical, electrical, electromagnetic energy into electromagnetic radiation of the visible (and not only) spectrum, lasers, LEDs, and incandescent electric lamps themselves have already become complete crap in their field. Maybe we should at least doubt the omnipotence of thermodynamics? After all, until now, humanity has used practically only one single method, the pressure difference method. It is used in all engines, from locomotive to rocket, and as proof of what has been said, I can suggest to those in doubt that ordinary compressed air is supplied to the working chambers of all known engines, with the pressure parameters of the working fluid, and they will work. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s consider everything in order. Today we have three main interpretations of the second law of thermodynamics:
1. A process in which heat would spontaneously transfer from colder bodies to hotter bodies is not possible. R. Clausius(1850)
2. It is impossible to build a periodically operating machine, all of whose activity would be reduced to performing mechanical work and corresponding cooling of the thermal reservoir. W. Thompson (Kelvin) (1851).
3.Entropy as a function of disorder can only increase in closed systems.

1. Consider the first formulation. Let's start with the concept of "heat", as we see it is used as a noun, with clearly accompanying material properties, everything as Carnot understood and bequeathed. With such a legacy we move into the third millennium???
The atomic-molecular structure of matter is generally accepted. The molecular kinetic theory has been developed and is revered. MCT explains thermal phenomena as a manifestation of the kinetic energy of the chaotic movement of molecules. NO caloric, heat, warmth. There is no thermal energy outside molecules. There is kinetic energy of molecules as a measure of the movement of molecules. The molecules themselves and their movement are material. It is the materiality of heat, heat, proclaimed by Carnot, that requires determining the direction of its movement. In MCT, the prevailing energy of molecules from high-temperature areas spreads to low-temperature areas of space. Heat exchange does not exist, just like heat. The purpose of my statements is not clear? Air from a damaged inner tube will spontaneously spread into the surrounding space, but the inner tube cannot spontaneously be inflated with ambient air. And no “pneumatic exchange”. This is undeniable, it is a no brainer. Note, without any “second law of pneumatics”, and all because our heads were not clouded with “material pneumatics”, but were given the physics of the emergence of gas pressure without idealistic distortion.
The prevailing energy of the molecules of a region of space is distributed, dissipated, in the region of its relative lack. NOT heat transfer, under any circumstances! Areas with a deficiency have nothing to give; they accept excess molecular energy spreading from areas with prevailing energy. When we understand that there is no heat, there is no heat exchange, the futility of this formulation of the second principle will become obvious. But most importantly, only from this moment will we be freed from the caloric heritage of thermodynamics, the materiality of heat.
This does not require knowledge of “high matters”; you just need to consistently understand everything, by comparing all the arguments, once and for all and never returning to what was previously rejected. As, for example, they did with the geocentric model of the universe. For us, it turned out something like this: “the earth on three pillars is stupidity: this is the universe, with its galaxies, it is exactly on three pillars.”
A summary of this reasoning: the indicated formulation of the second principle was given by thermologists to get out of the impasse where the materiality of heat and heat had led them. For MKT this is the “fifth wheel” and you need no more than the law of pneumatics described above.

2. The second formulation is considered an analogue of the first. Let me disagree. The fact that a violation of the “postulated direction of heat movement” would make it possible to create a v.d. the second kind is logical. But on what basis do we assert that if this postulate is not violated, then v.d. the second kind cannot be created; for me personally it is a huge mystery. Let us assume that we find the impossibility of a complete transformation in the postulates and the Carnot cycle. Let's run our pointer through the lines of the description of the Carnot cycle. A small author's explanation, despite the fact that in principle I do not accept caloric, heat material positions, and it is from them that the entire description is composed, I nevertheless take the original presentation without any changes.
"Carnot cycle, a reversible circular process in which the conversion of heat into work (or work into heat) occurs."
Heat is not material, so I would suggest talking about the following. Thermodynamic energy conversion is the process of converting the kinetic energy of molecules of the working fluid (p.t.) into the kinetic energy of moving parts of the machine or vice versa.
"The RT is sequentially in thermal contact with two thermal reservoirs (having constant temperatures) - a heater (with temperature T1) and a refrigerator (with temperature T 2< T1). Превращение теплоты в работу сопровождается переносом рабочим телом определённого кол-ва теплоты от нагревателя к холодильнику."
Nothing is transferred anywhere, neither thermal contacts nor temperature differences are required. To carry out a thermodynamic transformation, we immediately denote the first kind, i.e. its only type used in all currently known so-called heat engines, a necessary condition is the presence of a pressure difference of the RT. between the working area and the RT discharge area. Sufficient conditions are: a) the pressure drop must correspond to the resulting resultant, the value of which must be greater than or equal to the value of the opposing resistance forces, including the force being removed; b) the body receiving the energy (piston, turbine rotor or the mass of the rocket itself) must be in motion. This is all!
You may object, how? The engine is thermal. Firstly, from the above it follows that it is primarily pneumatic. RT heating is used only to create the prevailing RT pressure. and is the most effective method of creating it. Serve instead of r.t. compressed air and any known "heat engine" will work. Decompression will stop any "heat engine". Has anyone tried to analyze this fact? If in a cylinder with a piston, r.t. will have a pressure of 1 atm, then the piston will not move in the ejection medium with a pressure of 1 atm, even if the room temperature is there will be more than 15,000 inside it. And vice versa, if the temperature in the cylinder is equal to the atmospheric temperature, but the RT pressure will satisfy the formulated necessary and sufficient conditions, then the piston will extend and the process, etc. transformations take place. This conclusion generally follows from the elementary formula of the forces acting on the piston from the R.T. and from the atmosphere: F = Fр.т.- Фатм. = Pr.t.*Spiston - Patm.*S piston = Spiston (Pr.t. -Patm.).
Where do you see a direct relationship between forces and temperature?
Let's move on to viewing the cycle itself:
"The RT (for example, steam in a cylinder under the piston) at temperature T1 is brought into contact with the heater and isothermally receives from it the amount of heat δQ1 (in this case, the steam expands and does work), this corresponds to a segment of the AB isotherm."
Have you forgotten the temperature of this heater? Go back to the top - T1, that's it. And how are you going to transfer heat from the heater with temperature T1 to the working fluid with T1? I cannot help but make a “lyrical digression,” because I am often reproached for being disrespectful towards Carnot, so I want to clarify this issue. Is this a proposal from a man from the planet "Niberu"? For earthlings who accept such a process, I suggest that with a kettle of water at a temperature of 1000C, enter a sauna with a temperature of 1000C. As soon as it boils, call me, I’ll fly over with 1*106 bucks for a ceremonial presentation to you. I would like to see live an earthling heating his home with T=200, radiators with T=200, call, give me pleasure. By the way, don’t forget, the process of this quasi-static isothermal transformation was used by scientific luminaries in engines! Have you forgotten how many revolutions engines make per second? I remind you to strengthen your confidence in choosing quasi-static processes to describe their operation. But that's not all, it's just common sense. In fact, it's even worse, Carnot...

The golden dream of mankind in all centuries has been to create a device that would produce work without consuming anything or expending its own resources - a perpetual motion machine (perpetuum mobile in Latin).

The first descriptions of such a device are found in ancient Arabic and Indian manuscripts.

The question arises: perpetuum mobile - what is it?

Bhaskara engine

The Indian astronomer and mathematician Bhaskara, who lived in the 12th century and wrote a number of extant works on astronomy and mathematics, proposed one of the first versions of perpetuum mobile. The description of a perpetual motion machine came to us in one of his poems. The eternal perpetuum mobile was a wheel, to the diagonal spokes of which vessels with mercury were attached. When the wheel rotates, mercury flows in the vessels, the center of gravity changes, and the wheel must rotate on its own continuously.

Perpetuum mobile - what is it? A goal to strive for, or something impossible?

Inventors of perpetual motion machine

The inventors of perpetual motion machines count in the thousands. Great people have also attempted to create it. Among the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci, a sketch of a perpetuum mobile was discovered. Nikola Tesla and Michael Faraday also tried to create such a device.

In the 18th century, the alchemist and engineer Johan Bessler, also known as Orphireus, created a “working” model of a perpetual motion machine. The device was a wooden wheel covered with fabric, with an axle in the center, which rotated in a locked, empty room for 14 days. The "self-propelled wheel" created a sensation in society. Even Peter the Great became interested in him when word reached Russia. Orfireus categorically refused to reveal the secret of his invention. Bessler's maid, having quarreled with her master, said that she and the alchemist's brother moved the wheel, pulling a cord from the next room.

Depending on the development of science, inventors tried to create engines using magnets, electric batteries, and water jets.

Abbot Giuseppe Zamboni created a “perpetual electric motor” based on a dry battery without the use of acid. The Zamboni battery-powered pendulum worked for several decades, after the death of the inventor.

In 1775, the French Academy of Sciences announced that it would no longer consider the problems of perpetual motion and squaring the circle.

Options for perpetual motion machines

The list of designs for perpetual motion machines can be continued for a long time. With the development of radio engineering and electronics, inventors tried to use elements of electrical and radio circuits for this.

Among the interesting options:

  • Robert Flood's water screw. A water wheel that continues to grind grain under the influence of recirculating water.
  • Cox's perpetual watch, which he said was created based on mechanical and philosophical principles.
  • The Karpen battery, which was created in the 50s of the last century and still produces voltage.
  • Newman's electric machine, which he claims produces more energy than was expended.
  • Otis Carr's UFO engine, which uses gravitational energy unknown to science.

Perpetual motion machines of the first kind

With the development of theoretical thermodynamics, its three main principles were formulated. In accordance with the principles of thermodynamics, the genus of perpetuum mobile is determined. The first law of thermodynamics describes the law of conservation of energy.

And perpetual motion machines, capable of working and producing energy without consuming anything, are called engines of the first kind. The law of conservation of energy is fundamental. Nature prohibits the existence of perpetual motion machines of the first kind.

Perpetual motion machines of the second kind

The second law of thermodynamics is a principle that describes the direction of heat transfer between bodies. It is described by the postulates of Clausius and Thomson, which prohibit the transfer of heat from a less heated body to a more heated one.

Perpetual motion machines of the second kind are engines that use the internal heat (energy) of a closed system to operate. Perpetual motion machines of the second kind are quite ingenious devices. It is not immediately possible to see a violation of physical laws in them. Sometimes they have very scientific names. For example, a parametric electric machine, a heat-to-electricity converter, an alternator motor, a system that creates power from the energy of an electrostatic field, etc. The essence does not change.

To illustrate the second law of thermodynamics and to explain what it is - perpetuum mobile, James Maxwell came up with a certain fantastic creature that is in a closed volume and, like ping-pong balls, throws molecules with a high temperature to one side of the vessel, and with a low temperature - to another. As a result, one part of the vessel is heated and the other is cooled without the use of additional energy. If we neglect the energy that Maxwell's demon should receive, we have an almost perpetual motion machine. All that remains is to come up with a demon that would agree to work without consuming anything. The image of Maxwell's demon is also found in literature. In the Strugatsky brothers' novel "Monday Begins on Saturday," Maxwell's demons open and close doors NIICHAVO. Ken Kesey used this image to demonstrate the relationship of good and evil in human society. Maxwell's demon of the “first kind” is also found in Stanislaw Lem.

Devices that last forever continue to be invented to this day. And some even manage to get a patent. True, patent offices avoid the name “perpetual motion machine,” but this does not change the essence. Thus, in 2005, the American Boris Wolfson patented a certain device based on antigravity, which, without consuming anything, would create gravity on board spaceships, and in 1995, our compatriot Alexander Frolov received an American patent for “devices for creating useful work without the use of external sources."

The name "perpetuum mobile" refers not only to physics and certain structures. It can also be found in music. This is the name for fast musical pieces that seem to never end. Chopin also has a play with the same name.

When studying certain quantum processes, it sometimes seems that the law of conservation of energy is violated. Then physicists give an explanation for this, but for a while it seems that a miracle is possible. Perpetuum mobile - what is it, no matter how miracle it is!

And such a miracle exists. This is the eternal desire of man to move towards new horizons, explore space, climb Everest and descend into the Mariana Trench.

Call them free energy machines, perpetuum mobiles, or perpetual motion machines. A tiger is still a tiger, no matter what color you paint its stripes. Ever since humanity has needed electricity or another source of energy, inventive minds have been searching in vain for an ingenious solution: free energy for all time without any fuel. Historians have been finding sketches and drawings of “how to make a perpetual motion machine” ever since technical sketches have existed. Perpetual motion projects still appear today, even more often than before. Today we are going to look at the most famous example of a perpetual motion machine and convey to the public understanding that such a miracle does exist.

The meaning that a perpetual motion machine cannot work and will not work does not require proof. But since claims of this possibility continue unabated, the discussion deserves attention. Strictly speaking, it would be unscientific for the author to claim that such a possibility exists. A perpetual motion machine would violate the law of thermodynamics. But the fundamental laws of the universe are so inviolable that the author is going to escape their influence. The first law of thermodynamics states that the energy of a closed system remains constant. If it is necessary to remove part of the energy, for example, through rotation of the shaft, it is necessary to return at least the same amount of energy to the system. The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of an isolated system can only increase and cannot decrease. Basically, systems tend to thermal equilibrium. Simply put, the second law prohibits processes in which heat flows from a region of lower temperature to a region of higher temperature or where heat is converted entirely into work. Any perpetual motion machine is impossible, since it violates one or both laws of thermodynamics.

The most common designs of perpetual motion machines are based on a magnetic motor. The magnets are arranged continuously in a circle and must spin a rotor, push balls around a circle, or keep some other structure moving forever. Nowadays, such designs are a hybrid of an electric motor. The inventors claim that the kinetic energy of such a motor exceeds the cost of electricity; once started, it can rotate forever. An Internet search screams of thousands of similar projects. Many show videos of the machine running. How can one understand all this? The author states that all these guys are lying?

No, but the author says that anyone who claims perpetual motion is wrong. In most cases, the inventor does not have a physical education and has not studied the principles of operation of electromechanical systems. Most of the inventors of perpetual motion machines are amateurs and are quite honestly (albeit deeply) mistaken. Most often, they present diagrams, notes, and calculations they have done themselves. Some admit that they don't fully understand what's going on in their version of a perpetual motion machine. But, more often than not, they claim that they have refuted the laws of nature using unique knowledge.

Early versions of the perpetual motion machine were described in the 12th century. The most famous of these is the Bhaskara wheel, the spokes of which are half filled with mercury and curved so that heavy fluid tends away from the axis when moving down, and tends towards the axis of rotation when moving up, providing a lever to support the rotation. A similar design, called an unequal balance wheel, was repeated for many centuries in many variations. The 13th century Willard wheel uses hammers instead of heavy fluid. The 15th century Taccola wheel uses suspended levers. Leonardo da Vinci drew a whole series of wheels with unequal balance, although he knew that eternal rotation was impossible.
In 1870, author Henry Dircks quoted Leonardo:

“...Equipping a wheel like this with many balancing parts and giving it rotation will lead to a stop because with such a design you are deceiving yourself... Although the heavier parts of the wheel are located further from the axis of rotation, and their torque increases, the driving force of the entire wheel remains unchanged.”

A special place in the history of perpetual motion machines is occupied by the German watchmaker Johann Bessler. He designed a huge number of wheels, which he demonstrated in the early 1700s. Its huge wheels, driven by a pendulum, had a closed mechanism. Bessler received support and widespread recognition, although many considered him an illusionist in addition to his fame as an accomplished watchmaker. The most famous demonstration of the continuously rotating wheel lasted 53 days in a sealed, closed room guarded by Bessler's patron, the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. But since the room was windowless, and Bessler was always the first to enter and the last to leave, skeptics were not confident in the continuous rotation of the wheel.

Physics remains physics, whether we are talking about a simple or complex mechanism with funny terminology and connected to a battery. In 2006, the Steorn company announced a device called Orbo, which, as everyone knows, was a classic magnetic motor. All public demonstrations failed (except when the battery was connected), but they still claimed progress. For decades, a guy named John Searl claimed to have built a magnetic motor called the Searl Effect Generator and said he flew around in a flying saucer with his motor.

In recent years, many have claimed that coils of wire generate electricity. The most famous are the “Rodina skeins”, named after the author Marko Rodin. According to him, it is based on the principle of vortex mathematics, a new science invented and recognized by himself. The perpetual motion machine of Canadian inventor Thane Heins has the exotic name Perepiteia bi-toroidal transformer. Observers have come to the conclusion that this is an ordinary electric motor and only Haynes himself assures that more electricity is generated than it is consumed.

As you might imagine, many perpetual motion proponents look to Nikolo Tesla and his 1900 article published in Century Illustrated Magazine. Some interpreted Tesla's paper as confirmation of the possibility of a perpetual motion machine. A quick glance at the article will tell you that Tesla did not address the issue of perpetual motion at all. An article about the possibilities of heat conduction and heat transfer from a warm region to a cold region. Tesla did not discuss the possibility of breaking the law of thermodynamics, he discussed the possibility of exploiting it.

A common misconception associated with perpetual motion models is that many of them are patented. A patent confirms only the originality of the design and cannot serve as recognition of the performance of a particular device. In fact, a large number of incredible mechanisms have been successfully patented but failed in testing. Perpetual motion machines are not patented in most countries. In the US this is called the "applicability requirement". In order to obtain a patent, a device must have a minimum applicability. The law excludes the possibility of patenting perpetual motion machines based on their impossibility. Simply put, you will not receive a patent for an “intergalactic transformer” until you present a working design.

The most common case of patent refusal is described on the official website as (the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure) and has been in effect since 1977. Joseph Newman was an eccentric who developed his own theory of gyroscopes and electromagnetism. The motor patent was refused because the principle violates the laws of nature. Newman filed appeals, which were also denied. His mood was very serious, and in 1989 a lawsuit was filed against the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. The judge appointed a specialist to review Newman's prototype. The specialist carefully studied the design and performance of this version of the perpetual motion machine. And, although he understood that Newman was wrong, he recognized the excess of outgoing energy over expended.

But the court did not recognize it and sent the invention to the National Bureau of Standards for testing. The Bureau's conclusion did not coincide with the specialist's conclusions. The device is a conventional DC-AC converter and is only slightly inferior in efficiency to known devices of this type. The court's decision was not in Newman's favor, but he appealed again. Claimed that the Bureau's tests were incorrect. Ultimately, a federal court upheld the local court's decision.

A discussion about perpetual motion machines would not be complete without mentioning the conspiracy theory cited by proponents of exotic inventions. The main argument in the government's refusal to register perpetual motion machines is the support of oil magnates. Conspiracy theory sites such as InfoWars, and Natural News support the existence of perpetual motion machines. And movies like Thrive, too.

On the surface the theory seems reasonable, but upon closer inspection it falls apart. Firstly, the suppression mentioned does not seem to exist at all. Various perpetual motion machines are constantly being advertised, YouTube is bursting with daily updates of stories about perpetual motion machines that supposedly work. In whatever form repression is expressed, it is completely ineffective. Lots of people have been crusading for their version of perpetual motion for decades. Neither the black government agents nor the oil magnates are standing in the way of this fight for a bright future of free energy. Books remain on the shelves, videos remain on YouTube, patents remain in files and are publicly available. The suppression of the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine is difficult to confirm.

Why do decent inventors pursue the goal of creating a perpetual motion machine when the basic theory speaks of impossibility? Patent attorney Gene Quinn offered an explanation:

“The pursuit of the impossible, at least the impossible based on the known laws of physics and nature, is a serious motivation for many. Young science fiction fans become scientists who question conventional thinking and try to create the devices of their dreams.”

There is also the ancient desire for a magically quick solution to a difficult problem. Not many people have such compelling aspirations. It doesn't matter what is being considered: superhealth, psychological superpower or perpetual motion. Enough people are obsessed with achieving this. Inevitably, including positive amateurs, they deceive themselves and other non-specialists with their supposed discoveries. The dream of a perpetual motion machine is inexhaustible.

Translation by Vladimir Maksimenko 2013


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Comments on “”

  1. Andrey

    Are there people who know how to make a perpetual motion machine?

    Answering the question posed in the title of the article, I say a resounding “Yes”.
    And one of them, the recently deceased, Richard Feynman, who argued that in
    the vacuum enclosed in the cylinder of an electric light bulb contains so much
    enough energy to boil all the oceans. Of course, “vacuum energy”
    nothing to do with it. Everything is much simpler. We are talking about the possibility of transferring reactive
    energy at the input to the active resistive load by connecting it to the circuit
    pure delay link (PDL), which ensures that the current lags behind the voltage by
    90 degrees. This device completely simulates ideal inductance.
    Thus, the VD circuit is very simple and can be described as a U-ZCHZ-R chain
    (standard designations). Apparently, the Nobel laureate meant
    under the ZChZ there are two back-to-back vacuum diodes connected in parallel.
    According to the author of this comment, due to the small inertial mass of the electron, the frequency
    the applied voltage should be in the region of 30 terahertz.
    When using more inertial electromagnetic energy carriers
    fields (for example magnetic domains), achieving the required phase shift is possible
    at audio frequencies.
    On the question of conspiracy theory: what made Feynman “encrypt” like that?
    Will this comment be published?

  2. Andrey

    Perpetual motion machines of the 2nd kind
    (Electrohydrogen generators)
    The source of energy is the environment. Forms of energy – thermal energy + any types
    ionizing radiation. The working fluid undergoing transformation in the work cycle is water.
    Here we consider the half cycle WATER - HYDROGEN + OXYGEN

    The operating principles of the devices are based on the utilization of ionization energy by separation
    charges and their subsequent neutralization on the electrodes. As a result, we have electric
    current and gas. Differs from water electrolysis in that it is not supplied
    and no electrical energy is consumed from an external source.
    The author knows 2 principles for implementing such devices.
    This is “Maxwell’s Demon” and the static electric field of the contact difference

    “Maxwell's demon” is the gravitational field. Experiments show that negative electric potential
    acquires an electrode having a greater gravitational potential.
    It follows that negative ions have less mass than positive ions. The generation mechanism is that the charges
    having different masses, but the same kinetic
    energy (in a statistical sense) rise to different heights in
    gravitational field (see also Studennikov's EVG)
    These devices are monothermic, and moreover, anti-entropic,
    since during operation heat is processed into more ordered forms of energy carriers (gas and electricity)

    Experimental data: experiment No. 1
    plastic hose dia.
    10mm, 2m long, filled with 0.1% (by volume) sulfuric acid solution, with graphite electrodes
    at the ends of the hose, was hung vertically on the wall
    apartments. A voltmeter with an internal resistance of 1 megohm is connected to the electrodes. Observations were carried out over a year.
    Results: within a day the generation mode was established
    voltage 60-70 millivolts (-) on the top electrode and (+) on the bottom. Voltage fluctuations are caused by
    variability of temperature and background radiation.
    experience No. 2

    plastic watering hose 5m long, D 15 mm, graphite electrodes D 10 mm
    hung from the balcony. Temperature 35.
    Clean water from the tap 50mV (+) on the top electrode (-) on the bottom.
    adding surface salt gave an increase of 5 mV
    Pure tap water with practically insoluble boric acid
    from 4 to 12 mV (-) on the upper electrode (+) on the lower.
    And here is the solution to the polarity reversal
    reference book > chemical encyclopedia:
    Hydronium ion (hydronium cation) H?O? , the hydrated form of the proton. exists in aqueous solutions of acids and is part of some pseudohydrates.
    In the first experiments, probably due to the low temperature and the short hose for generating EMF in
    pure water was not observed. This time there was no sulfuric acid on hand. But I think that
    and so everything is clear.

    Unlike electrogravitational devices, devices powered by
    contact potential difference, do not require heat input to create
    potential differences. All that matters is the presence of ions in the water.
    One of the promising water ionizers are weakly radioactive elements, such as cigarette ash
    The non-destructive cathode (-) is N-doped silicon (2000a thyristor substrate, the anode is a (+) graphite rod. The source of ions is water. When the electrodes are short-circuited with a microammeter (R = 10 ohm), a current of 0.4 mA is recorded. Water decomposes.

    The insolubility of the cathode is due to the band mechanism of electrical conductivity.
    Explanations: N-p/p electrical conductivity involves only conduction band electrons.
    That. electrons associated with the crystal lattice prevent the electrolyte from tearing out positive ions from the lattice. This is true, at least for the energy range considered here.
    The contact potential difference creates an electrostatic field in water, which causes the directed movement of ions. In this case, even the simplest HIT made of aluminum, graphite and water is a super-unity generator, if we take into account the additional energy generated due to the contact potential difference.
    And although over-unity, against the background of the electrochemical reaction of cathode dissolution, will be a small fraction, it is a fact.

    The hydrogen and oxygen released can be used in fuel

  3. Parfirych

    I myself did not believe in perpetual motion. I often thought about the inertioid and once on a belt drive I drew weights with a uniform pitch. Did not believe. Calculated and wrote an article “On the existence of inertial motion, perpetual motion and asymmetry.”

  4. Uhar

    For example, I proposed a new concept for wind engines. Everyone shies away from her like the devil from incense. This is a perpetual motion machine, but this cannot be! All I hear. Why can’t four (at least) wind generators provide energy for one electric motor?

  5. Michael

    I made a self-rotator assembly, where 2 levers 0.5 kg + 0.5 kg = 1.0 kg, lowering at an angle of 60 degrees, raise the lever 1.6 kg 95 degrees using gears. I continue to study the mechanism further. See information Yandex SELF-ROTATOR

  6. Sergey

    Look here:
    It is interesting that there is a justification for the designs within the framework of the generally accepted theory of interactions, with the exception, in fact, of the law of conservation of energy.

  7. Valery

    Inertioid and perpetual motion machine, what is it for?
    In the early 90s, at an exhibition of technical creativity of young people, there was a poster with the inscription “Gravitational Engine”, I stopped, looking at the drawing. The organizer of the exhibition came up, talked to him about the perpetual motion machine, after which he asked me to convince the author to take down the poster. “Otherwise you’ll develop documentation,” he joked and went after the author. It was clear that you couldn’t get away with citing the law of conservation of energy; there was information about the construction of metaphysical laboratories, quacks to disperse clouds and other innovations. There was no pencil, I had to prove it with my fingers, the author understood and took down the poster.
    And I thought, an interesting thing is happening: the world around us is in perpetual motion, and we do not allow the thought of modeling perpetual motion. This is probably why Goethe’s words remain relevant: “Theory, my friend, is dry, but the tree of life is ever green.”
    The calculation of the devices shown in Figures 1 and 2 of the article “On the existence of inertial motion, perpetual motion and asymmetry” was performed after 0.1 steps of installing weights. When calculating after 0.05 steps, the obtained indicators are approximately halved. That is, having shown a method for calculating simple circuits, I suggested searching for more effective options. For example: run the belt on large pulleys along the chord, which will reduce the number of weights.
    The calculation of the rotor in Figure 3 was performed with sufficient accuracy to make a decision. To manufacture the rotor, approximately 3,000 highly sensitive bubble flasks will be required. And if by calculation it is possible to increase the release of the moment of force tenfold, it will be impossible to do without flasks. The sensitivity of nature can be judged by the following fact: In sinks installed oppositely, a few meters from the equator, the funnels rotate in different directions when draining water.
    About the possibility of using a rotor to generate energy: When the rotor rotates, there is no vertical speed at points 0 and 180 degrees. At points 90 and 270 degrees, the vertical speed is equal to the linear speed, that is, there will be an acceleration along the vertical, which will be superimposed on the acceleration of gravity, as a result of which the pressure of the bubble on the flask will change, in addition, during rotation, a centrifugal force will arise and the bubble will shift. All this will not allow the rotor to gain momentum, and it will rotate very slowly, or rather self-unbalance or have asymmetry.
    Therefore, one cannot count on the practical use of a rotor as a “perpetual motion machine,” and recognizing the existence of self-imbalance is a matter of curiosity and time. The same cannot be said about the inertioid, for which no alternative has yet been found.
    To recognize the existence of an inertioid, experimentation is necessary. The device diagrams described in the note “On the allocation of centrifugal force to obtain thrust” of this article have a calculated thrust of up to 3 percent of the total centrifugal force on a semicircle, but are difficult to manufacture. The designs of more efficient devices may turn out to be no less complex, which calls into question the manufacture of the device using a homemade method, and the development of documentation, the production of experimental samples and laboratory equipment is beyond the capabilities of amateurs.
    Retired engineer Pronota V.P.

  8. Vladik-ShokoVladik

    Scientific stereotypes, accepted in science as its “indestructible” scientific postulates, stopped the thinking of many scientists, and people in general, both past and present, being in it a certain mental crafty brake that prevented them from easily understanding what is absolutely simple, and which is a certain help, a driving force, for the creation in the minds of many of them, complete, highly complex, ugly stupidity!!!

  9. Zum

    Nothing is eternal, the LAW of life. But let's look at a nuclear reaction, the energy required for it to start
    much lower than we get. The sun is a perpetual motion machine or not. I suppose we should look from this position.
    From the position of an engine whose efficiency is more than one but not about eternity, this cannot theoretically happen in nature.

  10. Vitaly

    Well, why is VD considered only in relation to the laws of conservation of energy and thermodynamics, and the law of Gravity is gravity, which is also energy. Find articles in Google search engines on the topic: “Perpetual motion machine” by Putev-M.D.G. or an essay on the topic: “Gravity controlled by mechanisms”

  11. Vladyokha

    It's simple!!! Decent inventors do not design perpetual motion machines for the sake of issuing a patent, but design it for the benefit of human society and the ecology of planet Earth!!!

  12. Vladyokha

    Over-unit energy recovery by a closed system - battery-motor-generator: ((((((((A/100%*V%+A)/100%*V%+A)/100%*V%+A)/ 100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B% +A)=..., where: A is the energy of the primary source (let’s say it is the electric current of the battery), constantly supplied to power the engine; 100% is 100% of energy, and doing these 100% in calculations is finding 1% of energy, both once, from the very original energy of the primary source, and constantly, from the value of the figure each time the energy is recovered by the system - the battery - motor-generator; V% is a figure in %, the efficiency of a single cycle of energy recovery, a battery-motor-generator system generated by its generator. And if the efficiency - V%, equals this system - battery-motor-generator 50%, then the system produces 1 (100%) energy with its generator, equal to the 1 (100%) that it is constantly powered by from its battery. But if it, this system - battery-motor-generator, has its efficiency - B%, equal to more than 50%, then it produces more than 1 (100%) - the energy that its battery constantly feeds, producing it with its generator! And at the same time, this system does not violate, so to speak, the law of conservation of energy, because every time it enters recovery, its energy - And, it spends this recovered energy on itself, in order to perform its new work, repeatedly, which means she does not produce more useful work each time than she spends on her own energy production, although she is capable of increasing it in herself, many times more than all the energy with which her battery was charged at the very beginning!


    The phenomenon of current resonance is known from the theory of electrical circuits.
    When connecting capacitance C and inductance L in parallel and when performing
    conditions (2πf)²=1/ C L-current does not flow through the supply voltage circuit.
    Formally, this is described as follows: Ic=jU/Xc, IL=-jU/XL.
    when Xc and XL are equal. the sum of currents in the supply circuit is 0
    The current IL lags in phase from the current Ic by an angle π. If the inductance is replaced
    for active resistance R= XL. with serially connected
    a pure delay link (PDL) ensuring that the current lags behind
    voltage by an angle π/2, then there is nothing in the operation of the resonant circuit
    will not change except
    that heat Q=RI² will be generated at resistance R
    This is a meaningful description of the problem, it is simple and
    It's clear.
    If you use two back-to-back ZChZs - in parallel
    included vacuum diode, then it would seem the idea is easy
    is being implemented. With the light hand of R. Feynman,
    this idea is circulating on the Internet under the name “vacuum energy”
    Feynman's words are often quoted that in a vacuum enclosed in a balloon
    A light bulb contains so much energy that it can boil
    all the oceans. According to available estimates, to implement
    the required phase shift requires a frequency in the region of 3 terahertz (3 * 10¹5 Hz), in view
    low inertial mass of the electron. For more massive charge carriers (mercury ions) 2*10¹² Hz, which will practically lead to the emission of energy through the walls of the vessel, which is not
    will reach the consumer
    Below we consider one of the possible options
    implementation of ZChZ based on the inertia of rotation of magnetic
    domains where the desired phase shift can be achieved even at audio frequencies.
    The bottom line is that the secondary winding covers
    two cores. The first core is a conventional transformer in
    in which the magnetic flux remains constant at constant
    input voltage u₁= jω Ф ₁ w₁
    there is no demagnetizing winding in the second core
    and therefore Ф₂ depends only on the load current. With increasing load current, amplitude
    Ф₂ increases “With a certain increase in the amplitude of the magnetizing reversal field, a phase shift φ appears between the periodic functions H=Hm sinωt and В=Вт sin(ωt-φ).”
    Quote from the book by Mishin D.D. Magnetic materials.M. 1981 page 29.
    The vast majority of people work on this effect.
    resonant fuel-free generators differing from each other only
    ZChZ design. This is the already mentioned “vacuum energy”, Shoulders tube,
    Kapanadze generator, etc.
    To quantify the expected effects, it is necessary to formalize
    the above qualitative considerations.
    to the presentation of which we proceed.

    Double-circuit transformer



    mathematical model taking into account the delay by
    magnetization reversal

    magnetic flux Ф₁ is created by two magnetizing forces w₁ i₁ and w₂i₂
    Ф₁=ff₁(w₁ i₁- w₂i₂) Ф₁=L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂
    M mutual induction coefficient
    magnetic flux Ф₂ is created by one magnetizing force
    Ф₂= ff₂ w₂i₂ Ф₂= L₂ i₂/w₂
    where ff is the core form factor
    ff=µS/P – here µ is the absolute magnetic permeability of the core material,
    S cross-sectional area, P perimeter
    I note that inductance L=ffw²
    Ф=iL/w i – current in the winding, w – number of turns of the winding
    Self-induction emf U= jωLi , j=√-1 , ω=2∏f where f frequency in Hz, ∏=3.14
    In the transformation-based frequency model chosen here
    Fourier, the pure delay link is introduced as a multiplier e-j ωT
    T delay time or ωT=φ delay angle
    F₂e-jωT= ff₂ w₂i₂ or Ф₂= L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂

    Magnetic flux in the secondary winding

    Sum of magnetic fluxes Ф₀= Ф₂ + Ф₁= L₂ i₂ еjωT/w₂ + L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂

    Ф₀=L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂ + L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂
    generates voltage U₂=jωw₂ Ф₀
    U₂= jωw₂ (L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂ + L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂)

    U₂= jω L₂ i₂ ejωT + jω L₂ i₁ — jω Mi₂

    Magnetic flux in the primary winding

    Ф₁=L₁ i₁/ w₁ — M i₂/w₂

    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ — jω L₁ i₂
    Because M w₁/w₂ = L₁

    we have 3 equations
    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ — jω L₁ i₂ 1.

    jω L₁ i₁ w₂/ w₁= jω L₂ i₁
    U₂= jω L₂ i₂ еjωT + jω L₂ i₁ — jω Mi₂ 2.
    i₂z = U₂ 3.
    with 3 unknowns i₁, i₂ and U₂
    where z =jx+r complex load
    solve 3 and 2 together
    i₂z = jω L₂ i₂ ejωT + jω L₂ i₁ — jω Mi₂

    i₂ = jω L₂ i₁ /(z + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)

    let's substitute i₂ into 1.
    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ – jω L₁(jω L₂ i₁) /(z + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)
    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ + L₁ ω² L₂ i₁) /(z + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)

    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ +(M² ω² i₁) /(r+jx + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)

    for U₁ and i₁ to be orthogonal it is necessary

    to expression

    did not contain a real part
    ej φ =cos φ +jsin φ
    (M² ω² i₁) /(r+jx + jω M- jω L₂ ej φ)
    (M² ω² i₁) /(r+jx + jω M- jω L₂ (cos φ +jsin φ))
    those. r=- ω L₂sin φ
    because function sin φ is odd, then r= ω L₂sin(- φ)
    this is the orthogonality condition

    reactive component